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Thanksgiving: Keeping Your Mental Health in Check

Every year, as the holiday season approaches, we are reminded of the wonderful memories associated with these joyful times. However, believing that this is true for everyone is unrealistic. It’s easy to feel disconnected when everyone else is celebrating, but the truth is, you’re not alone. During Thanksgiving, our thoughts turn toward being grateful for others and appreciating them. Over the last few years, there has been an increase in studies on the influence of thankfulness on health and relationships. […]

By |2022-12-29T03:35:50-05:00November 21st, 2022|Mental Health|0 Comments

Behavioral Health Management Services: Benefits in Healthcare

The connection between behavior and the health of the body, mind, and spirit is referred to as behavioral health. Behavioral health management system assists you with scheduling, paperwork, and routine or automatic functions. It keeps the data intact to help guide and inform each patient’s treatment.

What is Behavioral Health Management?

Behavioral health management is a system that handles the administrative side of things so you can focus on providing the best care possible to your patients. The management system allows you […]

Self-Care Awareness

Helping someone through the process of recovering from addiction is a very difficult task. It takes discernment to know when to be firm and when to let someone live their own life. Healthy independence depends heavily on self-care. Alternatively, it can depend on the extent of self-care a recovering person is prepared to practice. Self-care does, after all, provide several significant benefits throughout rehabilitation. It is essential to learn self-care techniques, and you must be familiar with the basics to […]

A Better Behavioral Health Safety Net for America: 988

In a bid to combat mental health crises, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has developed a three-digit dialing code to connect callers to a national suicide prevention hotline. We have all learned since childhood to call 911 for immediate assistance in the event of a fire or health emergency, but 988 is now intended to be a resource for mental health emergencies, suicide prevention, and other urgent situations.

What can you do to assist those who are in a mental health […]

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