
The Road Back: Nutrition and the Path to Recovery

By |2022-12-31T03:22:40-05:00December 31st, 2020|health, Substance Use|

It’s important to recognize the role that the body plays when recovering from substance abuse. The effects of any substance are filtered through and sometimes felt long after it has left our system. Thus, it’s not just our mental and emotional health that needs treatment — it’s our body as well.

How Nutrition Can Help the Body Heal

Substance abuse takes a physical toll on the human body. Withdrawal can be a harrowing experience for many people. Additionally, […]

Funding Aims To Mitigate The Pandemic’s Impact On Mental Health Services

By |2023-08-08T07:39:03-04:00December 23rd, 2020|Behavioral Health Services|

Healthcare systems around the country have been largely overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic. Although the national focus remains on keeping COVID-19 positivity and hospitalization rates down, experts are pointing to another area exacerbated by the pandemic — mental health.

5 Ways Pets Help A Child’s Mental Health

By |2023-08-08T07:39:43-04:00November 13th, 2020|Uncategorized|

If you already have a child and own a pet, I’m sure you’ve seen the positive effects that they have on your child’s development. But for the rest of you, you’re probably wondering: “How can a dog help my child’s mental health?” Well, any pet can positively impact anyone’s mental health, regardless of their age. This phenomenon is called The Pet Effect.

Does Owning a Pet Improve Mental Health?

By |2023-08-08T07:39:53-04:00November 6th, 2020|health|

At some point in our lives, most of us wanted a pet. Whether that pet was a dog, cat, horse, or even a hamster, we all wanted something to take care of. Something to bond with, to play with, to be our companion. However, did you ever think of the mental health benefits that pets have on humans? The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) has done extensive research on this subject, which is called The Pet Effect.

Why Healthcare Professionals Should Go Paperless

By |2024-03-01T01:31:06-05:00November 4th, 2020|Uncategorized|

There's a ton of paperwork in healthcare, and sorting documents and other paper-based records can easily reduce the quality time staff have with patients. With digital files, different departments and doctors can access patient files from anywhere and at any time, in turn cutting down on the time it takes to find needed documents. With healthcare facilities stretched as they are, especially now, immediate access to information will lead to many more patients getting treated.

Red Ribbon Week and Why It’s Important

By |2023-08-08T07:40:22-04:00October 30th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Remember those days we would have guest speakers, such as police officers, come to our school and talk about drugs? That’s because it was Red Ribbon Week, a drug prevention awareness week whose primary focus is to educate children on the dangers of drugs. Red Ribbon Week is now a national campaign thanks to one man who wanted to make a difference.

7 Ways Exercise Supports Mental Health (Infographic)

By |2023-08-08T07:42:23-04:00October 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|

"It’s common knowledge that exercise is great for your physical health, helping you to live longer and have less health issues. But did you know that regular exercise can also have a hugely positive effect on your mental health? Often overlooked, these benefits can help to treat stress, depression, anxiety, PTSD and ADHD. " Max, Join Your Gym

Childhood Stress: The Ultimate Guide for Parents

By |2020-10-27T10:30:30-04:00October 27th, 2020|Uncategorized|

"Stress and anxiety are increasingly common in children and teens. Noticing your child’s behavior and encouraging them to express themselves will make it easier for you both to become aware of problems before they get too big." This is a quote from the article written by Neve Spicer, which is the perfect guide to noticing symptoms of childhood stress and how to cope with them.

Online Shopping: Is It an Addiction?

By |2020-06-24T11:55:39-04:00June 24th, 2020|brain health, health, Uncategorized|




How much online shopping is too much— when it gets to a point that it becomes an addiction?  Studies show that 96% of Americans shop online, and 82% use a mobile device to do so.  Compulsive shopping is often associated with the term BSD “buying-shopping disorder” and although it is not recognized as a stand-alone diagnosis, it is still identified by mental and behavioral health […]

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