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Head of Marketing
Marina Malobabic

EHR and EMR: 5 Key Differences to Know

For decades, the healthcare industry has struggled with technological advancements and paper-based processes. Despite the widespread use of EMR and EHR in medical practices, most people are unaware of the distinctions between the two.

Both software solutions have very similar uses, functions, and applications. They are an excellent way to replace extensive paper healthcare records and obtain a complete patient’s history, including diagnoses, treatment plans, and more, at any time and from any location. Before delving into the differences between EHR […]

By |2022-12-31T03:14:35-05:00September 6th, 2022|EHR & EMR|3 Comments

Self-Care Awareness

Helping someone through the process of recovering from addiction is a very difficult task. It takes discernment to know when to be firm and when to let someone live their own life. Healthy independence depends heavily on self-care. Alternatively, it can depend on the extent of self-care a recovering person is prepared to practice. Self-care does, after all, provide several significant benefits throughout rehabilitation. It is essential to learn self-care techniques, and you must be familiar with the basics to […]

A Better Behavioral Health Safety Net for America: 988

In a bid to combat mental health crises, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has developed a three-digit dialing code to connect callers to a national suicide prevention hotline. We have all learned since childhood to call 911 for immediate assistance in the event of a fire or health emergency, but 988 is now intended to be a resource for mental health emergencies, suicide prevention, and other urgent situations.

What can you do to assist those who are in a mental health […]

How Can Practice Costs Be Reduced with the Right EHR?

Investing in an EHR might be frightening for both you and your practice. It can be difficult to choose the one that best fits your needs, especially your financial constraints. Although it may appear expensive at first, the correct EHR will lower your overall operating costs and aid in growing your income.

You will see an improvement in your practice’s efficiency by making an investment in the EHR software that best suits your needs. You can provide patients with care faster […]

Ensuring a Successful EHR Implementation

Implementing an electronic health record (EHR) can be a difficult process, and proper planning is essential to minimizing errors. Evaluating an EHR system’s selection criteria and implementation plan, with the goal of ensuring interoperability, confidentiality, availability, and the integrity of patient health information data, while also ensuring timely, accurate, and regulatory-compliant report generation, is a critical task.

What is EHR Implementation?

A multidisciplinary approach is required to prepare the new system, ensure privacy and security compliance, design practice workflows, train the care […]

Stress-Free Facility Management

Most medical practitioners come across patients who are stressed on a regular basis. In that case you probably and mostly share proven methods for dealing with it, such as getting more exercise, sleeping, or practicing breathing techniques. But, how well can you manage your own stress? Even if you work out a few times a week and get eight hours of sleep each night, there might be certain aspects of your facility that aggravate you. We will review outsourced medical […]

By |2022-12-31T03:43:58-05:00March 28th, 2022|Billing, EHR, Medical Practice Growth, Stress|0 Comments

How Telemedicine Software Can Help Psychiatrists

Telemedicine is the method of providing health care using technology at a distance, most commonly via calls or video. Telepsychiatry, which is a subset of telemedicine, can also include mental examinations, counseling (individual, group, and family therapy), patient engagement, and medication management, among other things.

Important Features of Telehealth Software for Psychiatrists

  • HIPAA Compliance and Security

Choosing a telehealth system that is HIPAA compliant is especially important because video visits are unique in healthcare. In response to the pandemic, some restrictions […]

By |2022-12-31T03:15:51-05:00March 14th, 2022|EHR, MedEZ Modules, Telehealth|1 Comment

Stress: 5 Tips to Cope

It’s natural to feel stressed from time to time, but how do you define stress? What effect does it have on our overall health? What can we do to better understand how to deal with it? When we are under stress, our bodies react in a certain way. A major challenge or threat causes chemicals and hormones to surge throughout your body. We instinctively respond like this in the face of danger, and it’s why our ancestors overcame occasional dangers.

What […]

By |2022-12-31T03:16:07-05:00February 4th, 2022|behavioral health, mental health|1 Comment

The Benefits of Online Scheduling in Healthcare

The implementation of Covid19 restrictions has once again resulted in long lines at medical facilities and many calls being on hold. In today’s healthcare industry, physicians are faced with increasing workloads, which is why having a patient online scheduling system can provide some relief. In a world dominated by technology, healthcare providers are expected to deliver easy and convenient facilities along with top-quality care.

What is an appointment scheduling solution?

A patient can book or request an appointment online using a […]

The Holiday Blues: How to cope

There is nothing more joyous than spending time with family and friends during the holiday season. But unwelcome guests — stress and depression, can cause the holiday blues. This time of year can be lonely for those who are unable to see their family or friends. But, even when you are with people you love, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve can be challenging. We are always busy with the pursuit of perfect gifts, travel arrangements, never-ending parties, and obligations […]

By |2022-12-31T03:16:34-05:00December 10th, 2021|holiday blues, mental health|0 Comments
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